Closing the Alpha and Next Steps

Just a quick post to keep folks updated.

This alpha demo of Private Dick has been unlisted from the itch store. It's still here, still available - but the alpha / test / demo that this project represented is now closed. The demo has changed almost unrecognisably int the last, uh, two months or whatever.

Very soon - hopefully this afternoon - I'll be uploading a new Kickstarter demo.

This is  is basically the same content as this Alpha (streamlined a little at the start to speed things up), but with Kickstarter branding on it.

The Kickstarter campaign itself is planned to go live next week. There are a few things which may stop this happening but that's the plan.

I will also note here that the Kickstarter plan has also changed from what I first envisaged. I had planned Private Dick to be an epic 40-case story, with a very lightweight content style and huge range of characters. As my art style has gotten more detailed and as I've realised the real cost of each storyline, I've narrowed this town to a 3-case game. It will be a shorter, tighter experience - a small slice of the major story.

I have a plan to release chunks - almost like episodes - of the full story over two or three releases, then do a final Anthology Edition which brings it all together, back to the original epic vision.

Who knows how far I'll get down that road - at this stage it all depends on getting some funding.

So, a really big few weeks ahead. I'll need some luck on my side, so cross 'em if you got 'em!

Get Private Dick: Lipstick & Lies

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